The Italian SEO agency that increases your presence on Google

Increase your visibility on the Italian online market thanks to our skilled local SEO experts.

Increase your site’s visibility
Agence SEO Italie

An opportunity for your brand

The huge growth potential of the Italian ecosystem makes it a particularly attractive market for businesses and brands. In 2022, online purchases accounted for a total revenue of 48 billion euros, meaning an online presence is vital in order to reach a wider audience and more effectively promote your offers. For maximum benefit, you need to be well-positioned on search engines – and that’s where our SEO agency in Italy comes in.

Un marché leader en Europe

Why trust us with your SEO strategy?

Over the years, our specialised SEO agency has developed a rigorous methodology based on these four main pillars:

  • High-level expertise

    Comprehensive expertise in every component of SEO, including SEO audits, website redesigns, link building, international SEO, etc.

  • An ROI-driven approach

    A pragmatic and ROI-driven approach that helps businesses take advantage of this low-cost but powerful acquisition channel.

  • Effective SEO tools

    The use of the most effective SEO tools on the market, developed by our experts to answer your specific needs.

  • A committed team

    Our SEO team is committed and passionate, and does its utmost to offer our clients an exceptional experience.


The SEO agency in Italy for you

For best results, your SEO strategy should be devised by a specialist SEO agency in Italy which understands the national online market and knows which channels to activate to capture the attention of internet users. This is key in increasing your visibility on Google, generating more site traffic, and increasing sales – with a better ROI in mind.


Our areas of expertise

Our committed and passionate team does its utmost to offer our clients an exceptional experience.
  • SEO Audit

    An SEO audit of your site (technical and semantic) will set the course for the strategy we’ll put in place.
  • Website redesign

    We’ll guarantee the successful migration of your data to ensure you keep your top rankings in Italy.
  • Netlinking

    We’ll devise a netlinking strategy adapted to your needs, thanks to the expertise of our SEO agency in Italy.
  • International strategy

    We’ll help you cross borders and set up an international SEO strategy. Our consultants can work in dozens of languages.
  • Reputation management

    Our SEO agency in Italy will pull the right levers to ensure you keep control of your online reputation.

Local SEO experts at your service

Founded in Paris, Eskimoz has expanded to Italy by opening an agency in Milan with around thirty experts. Our SEO experts are well-versed in the local digital market and apply their expertise to support the acquisition strategies of companies and brands looking to expand in the peninsula.

Request your SEO audit!
Un marché digital très lucratif

A pan-European SEO agency

Eskimoz has developed SEO strategies adapted to the demands of each national market. We owe this flexibility to our committed and highly skilled local teams.
  • United Kingdom

    Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the British digital ecosystem by placing your site at the top.

    Find out more
  • Spain

    Give your site the visibility it deserves on the Iberic market – our SEO agency in Spain is at your service.

    Find out more
  • Italy

    Reach out to our expert SEO agency in Italy to help with your specific demands and boost your online visibility.

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  • Germany

    Choose an SEO agency in Germany with expert knowledge of the specificities of the national online market.

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A multilingual SEO agency with a strong functional knowledge of the Italian market can give your brand a competitive advantage over other agencies competing for user attention. Our team understands how to develop comprehensive digital strategies that incorporate relevant keywords, robust website design, and social media services.

But that’s not all. With our team members working directly in Italy, we’re able to deliver the best results for clients like you. We know how to help businesses connect with local audiences through web page building and local SEO, targeting the right keywords.

Altogether, partnering with us can give you a competitive advantage over other agencies, unlock the full potential of your pages, and deliver dynamic experiences that boost traffic and build trust. Whether you need to solidify your position in an existing market or want to reach new followers, we’ve got you covered.

Getting people to visit your page and read your content is a big win, but it’s important that those individuals are actually in your service area. Otherwise, you are wasting a lot of time and money.

Local SEO is the process of targeting local audiences via keyword selection, web design, and other best practices. And integrating it into your big-picture strategy represents a critical step for any business looking to get noticed by core demographics. Through local SEO, you can maximize your brand’s visibility in search and connect with people in your ideal market.

We will build a custom local marketing strategy designed specifically for Italian audiences. We can target niche communities throughout the country or help you break into huge markets that will drive your long-term growth. If you’d like to learn more about us and our dynamic process, contact our team.

We personalise every search engine optimisation campaign to the needs of each client we partner with. However, there are some core processes and services that we deliver as part of all of our SEO services.

First, our team will take a deep dive into your brand. We’ll get to know your voice, mission, vision, goals, and target audience. Once we understand your needs, we’ll conduct keyword research and gather additional information about your target audience.

From there, we’ll get to work optimising your website content and pages to create a high-impact environment to drive traffic. Getting people on your site is only half the battle, so we’ll work to win them over once they arrive through compelling content and seamless site layouts.

Most importantly, our Italian SEO campaigns have a major focus on analytics and continued improvement. We’ll continuously monitor campaign performance and make adjustments to improve your reach and visibility. If something isn’t working, we’ll get to the bottom of why and fix it.

International SEO services are solutions designed for businesses that operate in multiple nations. They help you get noticed in various markets throughout Europe, including Italy.

We have a global team of SEO experts, some of whom are based in Italy. As a result, we have a deep connection to the local market and can tailor your content to align with cultural norms. As such, our international SEO services will make your messaging more impactful and enable you to form meaningful connections with Italian consumers.


Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.